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line feed meaning in Hindi

line feed sentence in Hindi

रेखा भरण
लाइन प्रभरण
लाइन भारण
लाईन भरण
line    श्रेणी डोरी पेशा
feed    पोषित करना पशु का
1.The lines feed liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen to the shuttle's engines.

2.On-line fees run in the " millions of dollars " he added.

3.During 1901 Baudot's code was modified by LF ( Line Feed ) codes.

4.Put line feed above and below headline ang BACKSLASH S to CLOSE PARENTHESIS

5.The gathering line feeds into Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America.

6.Lines could be continued onto multiple lines by using a line feed character.

7.Specifically, Hundt wants to increase price caps on phone line fees.

8.The gathering line feeds into KN Energy, Inc . Pipeline.

9.Eight Ruter bus lines feed the station, including morning bus and two night buses.

10.With an unnecessary line feed that screws up all tables.

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the operation that prepares for the next character to be printed or displayed on the next line

How to say line feed in Hindi and what is the meaning of line feed in Hindi? line feed Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.